From here on out it will be the core way we communicate with our guests, and this technology will broaden our appeal to guests as well as change the way we position ourselves.

Customer Story

Budock Vean Hotel is an independently owned 4-star property in South Cornwall. As lockdown restrictions have eased, Managing Director Martin Barlow has been considering how to keep everyone safe, while keeping the experience special and something their guests would recognise.

Hear how Martin quickly set up their Vamoos App to transform the way they communicate with guests, with no need to interact physically. Not only does Vamoos help their hotel run efficiently, but will also help local tourism by encouraging people to book activities before their stay for a memorable and fully prepared experience.

Watch the full story below on how Budock Vean was able to reopen their doors post-COVID with Vamoos, with tips and advice for other hoteliers on how to change their mindsets.


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