“After the demo, it’s very straightforward. We don’t have to be tech experts. It’s fast and it’s easy. And it’s extremely cost-effective.”

Customer Story

Size doesn’t matter when it comes to having a hotel app. All that matters is offering a better guest experience. And if a 10-bedroom boutique hotel in the Lake District like Cedar Manor can benefit from an app, so can you.

Cedar Manor started using Vamoos to help digitalise after Covid. But co-owner Jonathan Kaye tells us it’s been so much more than just a means to an end.



Cost-Effective and Easy to Set up
Jonathan was impressed with the speed of response after he enquired about Vamoos, and the main reason he was attracted to it was how simple it is to use.

“After the demo, it’s very straightforward,” he says. “We don’t have to be tech experts. It’s fast and it’s easy. And it’s extremely cost-effective.”


Get Closer to Guests
Vamoos’s in-app instant-messaging and notifications features make it easier than ever to always be in touch with your guests.

“We can get in touch with people and they can get in touch with us through it,” Jonathan says. “They don’t have to pick up the phone, they can use the messaging feature, and we particularly like that as well.”

So whether it’s reminding guests there’s tea and cake downstairs, or a guest wanting a drink on the lawn, it’s all made easier with Vamoos.


Keeps Guests Coming Back
Vamoos makes it effortless to keep in touch with guests after they leave and encourage them to return again in future.

As Jonathan points out: “If people want to book again they can hit the booking link. And we’ll be opening up and pinging them a few messages from time to time just to say we’re still here if you fancy a trip next year.



Click here to try it out, or get in touch at info@vamoos.com.