April 25, 2023

As a travel expert, you understand the passion and expertise that goes into crafting tailor-made adventures. But what happens straight after the booking is made?

This frequently overlooked period can be a golden opportunity for brand building, client satisfaction and embedding loyalty. Whatever your niche, you can leverage ‘booking-to-boarding’ to excite your clients, prepare them for their trip, upsell trip extras, and more.

We’ve created a guide to help you navigate this period, including a 6-month comms plan to showcase how you could interact with your clients, with steps taking you from the early days of booking right up until the final few weeks before the adventure.

We’ve made the plan for a lead time of 6 months, but the beauty of it is that it can be easily tweaked to suit your brand and your trips. Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Download the guide.

Step 2: Send the plan to your marketing team, or whoever is responsible for your client communications post-booking, pre-boarding.

Step 3: They can tweak the copy and style to suit your brand, and then start sending to your clients! Easy.



Download now


Feel free to get in touch or book a consultation with us to discuss how the plan might look for you – we’d be happy to help.


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