July 30, 2024

It’s no secret that group holidays are one of the most enjoyable ways to travel; from expertly planned itineraries to a shared sense of excitement, what’s not to love about the whole experience? While it may be a stress-free adventure for those on the trip, however, the same can’t be said for the travel companies working tirelessly to make the magic happen.

Organising group trips can be hectic; with so many clients to take care of, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s where the Vamoos Travel App comes in. Vamoos allows you to deliver beautiful itineraries, key documents and personalised recommendations directly to your clients, all within a single, branded application. Expertly designed with tour operators in mind, here’s 5 reasons why Vamoos is the perfect app for group travel companies.



Personalise with ease


I’m sure you know this as well as anyone, but managing group trips can be a logistical nightmare. Picture this: 20 of your clients are departing for the same group holiday, each looking forward to their next big adventure. While they’re all equally excited for their trip, here’s what sets them apart; each client is catching a different flight, from a different airport, in a different part of the world! Keeping track of the details is hard enough for you – how can you communicate them to your clients without causing confusion?

With Vamoos’ personalisation feature, tailoring group trips for individuals has never been easier. You can customise the information each traveller sees, meaning they only view the flights, documents and itinerary items that are relevant to them. Say goodbye to mix-ups and misunderstandings; with the Vamoos Travel App, you can deliver a group experience that feels personal for each and every traveller. The best part? Vamoos has offline compatibility, so travellers can access important information at all times, with or without internet connection.



Read now: Golf Traveller connect directly with all members of groups from Day 1



Keep travellers in the loop


Group travel clients want to know exactly what’s on their itinerary and when. PDFs and printouts are certainly one way to convey this information, but when you find yourself making updates each time you spot a typo or when the schedule changes at the very last minute, frantically reprinting documents seems like an unnecessary hassle. What’s more, paper binders are clunky, outdated and easy to misplace, so the chances of your clients reading them are pretty slim.

If you want to give your clients the information they need in a format that they’ll actually read, the Vamoos Travel App is the perfect solution. Vamoos’ engaging visual itinerary puts key information at your clients’ fingertips, while instant notifications keep them in the loop when their schedule changes. If the weather takes a turn for the worse, effortlessly update travellers’ itineraries to let them know the beach excursion is postponed, or send an instant notification when their transport is delayed. Using Vamoos, you can communicate directly with each member of the group, so it’s never been easier to coordinate group travel experiences.


Managing free time is simple


While group trips are primarily a shared experience, travellers still want the opportunity to explore independently from time to time. This can become difficult to coordinate when it involves a large group of clients. The Vamoos Travel App combats this issue, by allowing you to manage travellers’ free time with ease. 

Know a delicious restaurant that your clients should try, or want to spotlight a notable landmark in the local area? With Vamoos’ interactive maps, you can share handpicked recommendations directly with travellers, ensuring they have an excellent travel experience, even when they’re exploring on their own. What’s more, you can clearly establish meeting points within the app, allowing travellers to explore freely, without fear of being separated from the group. If the plan changes, not to worry; you can update your clients easily with a real-time notification.  


Keep track of client conversations


Group holidays afford your clients a unique opportunity to build friendships with their fellow travellers. In these instances, external messaging apps often come into play. While the sense of community is fantastic, keeping track of your clients can get tricky when they’re using other applications. 

Vamoos’ post feature, which acts as an in-app diary, is the perfect way to keep conversation where you can see them, and in a branded travel app no less! Full exchanges are recorded and can be accessed by anyone in your company, allowing you to resolve issues quickly should they ever arise. Travellers can also share photos from their travels with the rest of the group; at the end of the holiday, these pictures can be turned into a memorable Photobook for your clients to look back on fondly. To top it off, you receive a 10% commission on Photobook sales, so it’s an excellent opportunity to upsell, while allowing your clients to preserve their travel memories forever.


Integration is effortless


So we’ve sold it to you. You can see the benefit of a branded travel app like Vamoos, complete with digital documents and instant messaging, but there’s one thing still nagging you; integration. Are you worried that integrating your reservation system with Vamoos could be complicated, time-consuming or expensive to set up? Here’s the good news – for group travel companies in particular, integrating with the Vamoos Travel App is effortless.

Integration can get complicated when a trip has lots of variable elements, like constant changes to the itinerary. For group travel companies offering all-in-one packages and standard itineraries with few changing details, integration is a much simpler matter.

Group trips are perfectly suited to a templated API integration approach, where reusable itinerary templates are created for each of your trips, meaning your integrator only has to translate essential data across from your reservation system. This would be the few variable aspects of each trip, like your clients’ names, flight details and key dates. In contrast to standard API, which translates each and every detail of a trip, templated API allows for integration that’s faster, cheaper and simpler. Lucky for you, group travel companies are the perfect fit for this type of light-touch integration.


If you’re ready to see how an all-in-one travel app could help you to streamline your service, book a meeting now to see a personalised demo.


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